In order to encourage and reward research in English Studies, BAAHE offers an annual prize of 250 EUR for outstanding undergraduate dissertations written in English. As of 2008, the prize has been alternating between literature and cultural studies in one year and linguistics and translation studies in the next year, starting with literature and cultural studies. The rules and regulations applying to the BAAHE thesis award are the following:
Each Belgian University or other Institution of Higher Education represented in BAAHE may nominate one outstanding dissertation (in literature or in linguistics, depending on the year) among those presented during the current or the preceding academic year (first or second exam session).
The supervisor of any MA thesis submitted to the BAAHE thesis award shall be a paid-up BAAHE member at the time of submission.
Nominated dissertations must be submitted in PDF format to the Thesis Award Coordinator by 1 October. The jury will reach a decision by mid-/late November. All submission instructions will be distributed via the BAAHE mailing list.
Each dissertation will be read by at least three jury members, who will award it a grade on a scale of 100. The dissertation with the highest average will be awarded the BAAHE prize. Cases of ex aequo are to be avoided.
The jury may be made up of the members of the BAAHE board, but may be extended to members co-opted by the Board (including ex-board members and retired members) for subdisciplines which are not their specialty.
Jury members work on a volunteer basis. Board members will not be entitled to vote for dissertations from their own universities and a fortiori from their own students. Deliberations of the BAAHE jury are to remain confidential and its verdicts are not open to question.
The award will be presented at the BAAHE’s annual conference (usually scheduled in December), during which the winner will get the opportunity to present their research. The winner will also receive an invitation to submit a paper which will be considered for publication in a future issue of BAAHE’s international, peer-reviewed journal English Text Construction, as well as receive 250 EUR.

Year | Area | Winner of the biannual award |
2023 | Linguistics and translation studies | Solène Jaspard (ULB) Quoting with go, be like, and be all. A study of innovative quotatives in American English based on the results of previous studies and on an analysis of corpus data (supervisor: Philippe de Brabanter) |
2022 | Literature and cultural studies | Sarah Lallemand (UA) Ida and Rufus at the Crossroads: An Analysis of Intersectionality in James Baldwin’s Another Country (supervisor: Gert Buelens) |
2021 | Linguistics and translation studies | Luca Desmet (UGent)
An Exploratory Study of Professional Post-edits by English-Dutch DGT Translators
(supervisors: Sonia Vandepitte & Lieve Macken) |
2020 | Literature and cultural studies | Jade Thomas (VUB)
A Posthumanist Perspective on Cultural Industry Representations in Selected Plays by Sam Shepard
(supervisor: Christophe Collard) |
2019 | Linguistics and translation studies | Gillian Roberts (VUB)
Accents welcome: the relationship between L2 language attitudes and pronunciation. A study of Flemish secondary students' attitudes towards the pronunciation of English (supervisor: Bastien De Clercq) |
2018 | Literature and cultural studies | Helena Van Praet (VUB)
Coagulating an aesthetics of disjunction: A semiological reading of Anne Carson’s Decreation
(supervisors: Christophe Collard & Douglas Atkinson) |
2017 | Linguistics and translation studies | Mihaela-Iona Gafta (ULB)
Hybrid quotations: A classification of their variety
(supervisor: Philippe De Brabanter) |
2016 | Literature and cultural studies | Ioannis Tsitsovits (KU Leuven)
Inauthenticity and autonomy in the work of Tom McCarthy: Sentimental humanism, poststructuralism, and the ‘corporate scriptorium'
(supervisor: Pieter Vermeulen) |
2015 | Linguistics and translation studies | Silke De Keyser (KU Leuven)
Do-support and the Constant Rate Hypothesis (supervisor: Hendrik De Smet) |
2014 | Literature and cultural studies | Valérie-Anne Belleflamme (ULg)
The Australian apology in fiction: Gail Jones's "Sorry" (supervisor: Marc Delrez) |
2013 | Linguistics and translation studies | Maïté Dupont (UCLouvain)
Contrastive relations in English and French editorials: A corpus-based study (supervisor: Sylviane Granger) |
2012 | Literature and cultural studies | Christine Temko (UCLouvain)
Deconstructing the world: The fourfold as dwelling-place in Cormac McCarthy's The Road
(supervisor: Véronique Bragard) |
2011 | Linguistics and translation studies | Samantha Laporte (UCLouvain)
Mind the Gap! Bridge between World Englishes and Learner Englishes in the Making. A comparative study of the high-frequency verb make across ESL and EFL (supervisor: Gaëtanelle Gilquin) |
2010 | Literature and cultural studies | Veerle Van Steenhuyse (UGent)
Canon, fantext, and creativity: An analysis of Pamela Aidan's Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman as a "fanfictional" response to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (supervisor: Jean-Pierre Vander Motten)
2009 | Linguistics and translation studies | Valérie Wysmantel (Lessius)
Evidentiality in academic versus non-specialist medical and psychological literature: A comparative study
(supervisor: Heidi Verplaetse, co-supervisor: Paul Sambre) |
2008 | Literature and cultural studies | Frederik Van Dam (KU Leuven)
Character and the career: Anthony Trollope's Phineas Finn and the rhetoric of the Victorian state
(supervisor: Ortwin de Graef) |

Year | Linguistics and Translation Studies | Literature and Cultural Studies |
2007 | The prize for linguistics was not awarded in 2007. | Peter De Voecht (UA)
Making up the mind: Intertextual identity in Paul Auster's The New York Trilogy
(supervisor: Luc Herman) |
2006 | Julie Bouveret (Institut Libre Marie Haps)
Murray and Mandurah: A sequel history of the Old Murray District of Western Australia, by Ronald Richards (supervisor: Jean-Marc Lafontaine) | Sylvie Vranckx (ULB)
Unveiling the sociology of neo-colonialism: Lee Maracle's feminist challenge to patriarchal racism
(supervisor: Marc Maufort) |
2005 | Peter Petré (KU Leuven)
On the variables determining the life span of English prefix constructions
(supervisor: Hubert Cuyckens) | Ruben de Baerdemaeker (UGent)
It was relevant to dish herself: The depiction of American women in selected fiction and non-fiction by Henry James (supervisor: Gert Buelens) |
2004 | Julie Van Bogaert (UGent)
Language ideologies in the media: The language policies and practices of a few European broadcasters (supervisor: Jim O'Driscoll) | Dorothée de Meester (UCLouvain)
Rebecca's Tale: The voice of the transgressive wife
(supervisor: Raphaël Ingelbien) |
2003 | Hendrik De Smet (KU Leuven)
Synchronic and diachronic variation in the non-finite comple-mentation patterns of the verbs "like", "love" and "hate" (supervisor: Hubert Cuyckens) | Jean-Luc Delghust (UCLouvain)
Decadent unions: Decadence and relationship between text and image in "Salome" by A. Beardsley and O. Wilde and "The Sphinx" by Ch. Ricketts and O. Wilde (supervisor: Raphaël Ingelbien) |
2002 | There were no entries for the linguistics section. | Pieter Vermeulen (KU Leuven)
Disfiguring sympathy, silencing despair: Ethics and literature in J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace
(supervisor: Ortwin de Graef) |
2001 | Ellen Simon (UGent)
The phenomena of connected speech in English, in contrast with German and Dutch: An applied phonological study
(supervisor: Mieke Van Herreweghe) | Equal:
Eva Thienpont (UGent)
Cherchez l' homme: Masculinities in the plays of Oscar Wilde
(supervisor: Nicole Rowan)
Magali Claeskens (ULg)
John Donne's Songs and Sonnets
(supervisor: Marc Delrez) |