The Belgian Association of Anglicists in Higher Education (BAAHE), which was founded in 1981, provides a forum both for academics who study the literatures in English or English linguistics at Belgian universities, and for Anglicists who teach and do research in interpreters' schools and other Belgian institutions of higher education.
BAAHE membership benefits include the following:
a subscription to English Text Construction, the international, double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by John Benjamins (Amsterdam & Philadelphia; two issues per year, adding up to c. 300 pages per year)
free participation in national, and reduced fees for participation in international, BAAHE conferences
the right to submit papers to BAAHE conferences
the right to submit MA theses written under one's supervision to the thesis award
membership in the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), which in its turn entails eligibility to apply for ESSE’s bursaries, book grants and book awards, a substantial discount on the registration fee for the biennial ESSE conferences, and the possibility to submit proposals for sub-plenary lectures, papers and seminars for these conferences (recent venues: 2016 Galway, 2018 Brno, 2020 Lyon, 2022 Mainz, 2024 Lausanne).
Feel free to download and distribute a one-page flyer listing the main reasons for joining BAAHE to anyone who might be interested -- in particular new PhD students or other new arrivals in your department.
Membership fees are due for each calendar year. The 2024 membership dues amount to 40,00 EUR for tenured members and 30,00 EUR for students, non-tenured and retired members, and should be paid into BAAHE's bank account BE68 0015 2136 1134, at the latest before or at the annual meeting. Please notify the treasurer (lobke.ghesquiere@umons.ac.be) when payment has been made. New members joining BAAHE for the first time should also contact the secretary (jennifer.thewissen@uantwerpen.be) so as to provide their details.